Zac Lloyd's Website

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Welcome to my personal webpage, created in 2023 and still a work in progress.

Here you will find various projects, essays, tutorials, and information about me!

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31 Jul, 2024

Download Audiobook Cover Images with Python: A CLI Tool If you’ve ever wanted to automatically download and save cover images for your audiobooks, this Python script is for you. Read more...

951 words.
5 minute read.
Tagged with: Software

Camping In The South of France

31 Jul, 2024

We began our trip in the Netherlands, prepped the caravan and set off at 8am. The drive was estimated at 8 hours but of course, with a caravan things take a little longer. Read more...

601 words.
3 minute read.
Tagged with: Camping , Life , Outdoors , Blog

The Value of Tor: Navigating the Internet with Privacy and Freedom

7 Jul, 2024

Essentially, Tor is the ultimate tool when it comes to your privacy, security, and freedom online. This article delves into the technical aspects of Tor, explaining how it works and why it is valuable. Read more...

638 words.
3 minute read.
Tagged with: privacy , Tor , internet , security